Marleen Fonseca began her career in 2001 as an EAA member. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Marleen joined the City of Los Angeles as a Management Assistant at LAPD, learning the City’s procedures and policies and California state’s governing laws on workers’ compensation, reasonable accommodations, sick and medical leaves and more. After three years, Marleen was promoted to the Adjutant position as a Management Analyst II in LAPD’s Crime Lab. There, she developed and expanded her skillset, reporting on and responding to MOU-related matters, disciplinary hearings, grievances, investigations and Skelly hearings. Eleven years of City service enabled Marleen to hit the ground running as a Labor Representative at EAA, proving to be a valuable source of City knowledge for both her coworkers and the members.
Marleen’s knowledge and leadership capabilities naturally progressed her to EAA’s Senior Labor Representative and Stewards Coordinator. She has served as right-hand woman and assistant negotiator to three prior EAA Executive Directors and currently sits on the City’s Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee and is an active member in her community. Marleen served a two-year term as her Neighborhood Council President, is currently a member of LA-32’s Bylaws Committee, hosts a community running group and is co-founder of a local, annual 5K benefitting LAFD’s Magnet Academy that prepares youth in her community for future employment in the Los Angeles Fire Department.