EAA works hard to secure competitive wages and benefits for its members in collective bargaining, and our team of Labor Representatives provide advocacy and dispute resolution expertise for members on countless matters. Being a dues-paying member enables active participation in the decisions that affect your livelihood with the right to vote in contract ratification and officer elections and EAA also provides a number of union-funded and subsidized benefits to its valued members.

NEW Benefits Portal
With EAA's New Benefits Portal, you can enroll in and update your benefits, view your current enrollment, update your beneficiaries, and access plan summaries.
​You can also contact the EAA Benefits Center at (888) 610-1088 or benefits@eaaunion.org for more information.

Legal Services
EAA's FREE group legal plan through MetLife covers personal legal matters and provides a way for dues-paying members to have attorneys "on retainer". A network of attorneys is available, and the covered services are "Covered in full" with no limitations on utilization. For More information, visit EAA's Benefits Portal!

EAA Dental+
EAA members can opt out of the City dental plan to take advantage of one of EAA’s dental plans, which include exclusive Accident Insurance benefits not available in any of the City’s plans! Click here to view plans for 2025. For More information, visit EAA's Benefits Portal!

Perks at Work
EAA has partnered with Perks at Work to offer dues-paying members exclusive discounts on national and local brands and services, free online classes, and personal development in technology. For More information, visit EAA's Benefits Portal!

Life Insurance
EAA's FREE group life insurance policy through MetLife automatically pays $10,000 to the loved ones of dues-paying members in the unforeseen event of their passing. Funeral planning services and wellness programs are also available with EAA's group policy. For More information, visit EAA's Benefits Portal!

Mental Health Services
EAA Union's Member Assistance Program (MAP) provides four (4) free face-to-face or telehealth counseling sessions per household unit, per issue, per year with licensed therapists. For More information, visit EAA's Benefits Portal!

EAA Scholarship Program
EAA members and their family members (within the same household) are eligible to apply for an educational scholarship. The program typically begins in the spring of each year and has been upgraded to an online submissions process. The Scholarship Committee administers the program with the assistance of EAA Support Staff.

EAA Member Development Program
EAA's Member Development Program (MDP) facilitates multi-session study groups for a number of Civil Service exams that include relevant study materials and personal instruction from retired City employees who are subject matter experts. The study groups and interview preparation sessions are geared toward helping our members achieve career success.

Workers' Compensation Advice
EAA members can request a free legal consultation with the Law Office of Ford & Wallach, a renowned Workers' Compensation law firm in Los Angeles.
For more information call EAA at (213) 620-6920 or Ford & Wallach at (213) 380-3140. Members can also visit www.fordwallach.com.

Union Plus via IBEW
EAA members who are also members of our affiliated union, IBEW Local 11, have access to the products and services available from Union Plus through our sister union. EAA/IBEW members are eligible for discounts and services, including the popular Union Plus Free College Benefit! EAA members should SIGN UP NOW for membership in IBEW Local 11 (for no extra cost).